Wednesday, May 23, 2007


This is how my day went yesterday with the Crayons and Chalkboards:

Realize that I forgot to do the decreases for the armhole shaping on 1 row.


Realize that the steek area for the left armhole isn't tight enough


Realize that I continued the orange green stripe as 1x1 outside the steek area instead of 2x2.


Realize that again I forgot the armhole decrease.


Realize that again I forgot the armhole decrease.


Finally get through the armhole decreases and actually correctly establish the v-neck steek stitches. Finish the red crayons. Knit a row of black. Realize that it's supposed to be red and purple border.


Get two rows into the next chalkboard section, try to keep the pattern in place taking into account all the decrease. Realize that I have 2 "P"s next to each other.

Throw it down in disgust and go to bed.


James said...

Oooh. Burns a little, doesn't it? And it's not like a kid can get through school wearing a sweater that says "PP". Kids can be so cruel. It looks amazing though!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you're having to face all that frustration--but the knitting itself is lovely.